One day they were with us and then they were gone! Years of worshipping together, praying for one another, depending on each other and looking forward to our next meeting all came to an end. No they’ve never been to my home and I have never been to theirs, but we regularly came together to glorify GOD. Hugs (lots of hugs) and brief conversations were the majority of our relationship, but that was fine, because I knew I would see them next time.
Maybe it wouldn’t be as big a deal if they weren’t so nice or if they hadn’t been so helpful and did so much for our congregation? Perhaps if they weren’t so reliable over the years, it wouldn’t have left such a burden on those they left behind? No, I still think we would still miss them, even if they just filled a few seats on Sunday and politely shook hands as they passed by us. People find their way into your heart and it hurts when they leave.
I know there are reasons people have to leave, but there are also reasons to stay. I moved on because of my job for 23 years in the military and 16 years in the State Department. Each time we moved it was painful. I said goodbye to friends and loved ones and even my family. I left people I loved dearly, but I had to go and do the job GOD gave me. Yes, sometimes I left a Church that desperately needed me, but I believed I was doing what GOD wanted and I left them with fond memories, prayers and sometimes monetary support. Another thing I left them with was the assurance that I would be faithful to another Church, like I was to theirs.
People leaving Churches isn’t new. We have people who joined us for a while and for whatever reason left us more than once. When they returned, we welcomed them as if we weren’t in pain during their absence. Why? Because we love them and cherish whatever time we have together. We don’t want them to miss what GOD has and don’t want them to open themselves to the attacks of the enemy. The thief is ready to pounce when you leave the safety of the Body of CHRIST. Regular attendance benefits both you and the Church.
The overwhelming reason to stay or go is to follow GOD’s will. But you say “there are many places to worship and I can serve GOD in one of those!” Actually there is only one perfect will of GOD and that is where all Christians should strive to be. “But GOD will understand my heart and help me.” GOD will love you wherever you go, just like we will, but His best is found where GOD wants you to be.
GOD set the perfect example when He “so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son” (John 3:16 KJV) to a world that had turned away from Him many times. Thankfully He won’t “fail thee, nor forsake thee” (Heb 13:5 KJV). JESUS came into a world, that didn’t welcome or acknowledge Him, but He “humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross” (Phil 2:8 KJV). Maybe we can suffer a little as we serve the LORD? Please come on back to where you belong!
Wayne Lance (2020)
Good word. The church needs to love people even if they leave and go somewhere else. Although it is hard, our goal is to see them in heaven. You never know when God will bring them back around