Last Sunday the Filipino Congregation said goodbye to our beloved Pastor Ricky and Jean Yambing. There were many moving stories of the love, devotion, and hard work they poured into people’s lives. A lengthy presentation of photographs portrayed how this couple dedicated the last 15 years to the Beijing ministry and the Filipino congregation. The smiles in the pictures showed some of the joy they found in working for the Lord, but tears, heartache and struggles had also been part of that ministry. Pastor Ricky and Sister Jean both worked full-time jobs, in addition to shepherding their needy flock. The pastoral burden is so challenging, a group of people will share the responsibilities they leave behind. We will miss them, but thank GOD for the opportunity they have to move to the US and minister to another congregation. Their new Church will be a mixture of Filipinos and Americans that hopefully will love them as much as we do. The well-established Church will enable Pastor Ricky to devote himself fully to ministry and community outreach. Another blessing is the parsonage, which will allow Sister Jean’s parents to live with them so she can care for her mother. We thank GOD they are free of the heavy hand of the Chinese government and can enjoy the benefits of living in the US.
Losing such precious friends is hard, but with e-mail and Facebook, they won’t seem so far away. We have already received pictures of their arrival and a family reunion. They will remain in our prayers and we can cheer them on and watch as the Lord blesses them. No doubt they will continue to bless many in our group, even as they find new friends and take on new challenges. Susan and I hope to see them someday when we return to the US and we will have a joyous reunion!
This made me think of how it must have been when Jesus left the disciples and went to Heaven. He had poured himself into their lives and the ministry for years. They were thankful he had come and were sad to see Him leave. Their hearts were full of memories of how He had touched and then sacrificed himself for them. He was going to a better place to fulfill the next part of His ministry and wouldn’t be physically with them as they went on with their ministries and the rest of their lives.
Losing such a precious part of their lives was hard, but through prayer, the Bible and the Holy Spirit, Jesus wasn’t that far away. The Bible paints beautiful pictures of what the Lord is doing and we can see Him in the lives of people He is changing here. We can talk to Him anytime we want and because He is seated at the right hand of GOD, He is ever making intercessions for us. Someday we will go to see Him in Heaven and we will have a joyous reunion!
Wayne Lance (2015)