Ever since I was a child in Sunday School I’ve heard we need to tell the world about JESUS. As I got older and my burden for souls grew stronger, I tried to introduce JESUS into conversations but it always seemed awkward and never enough. After my mother and a friend passed away within a short time period, I felt I had to increase my witness.
My stories began when an elderly lady, who attended our home Church, asked me to write and tell her about our adventures overseas. Those letters soon became newsletters to our family and loved ones and a way to testify of GOD’s goodness and blessings in our lives. My friend replied to one of those newsletters saying “Now I can sin with impunity, knowing you and Kevin (another Christian) are praying for me” not long before he was murdered. Knowing he had read something I wrote and thought about JESUS shortly before he died, made me want to do more.
I began writing my stories and sending them to everyone I knew by e-mail. I received enough positive replies and comments to encourage me to keep writing. I used the news, our life overseas, analogies, comparisons, contrasts and testimonies to tell or remind people about JESUS. I know GOD is in it, because the stories minister to me as much as anyone. Once I got past the fear of failure, I was open to whatever the LORD wanted to say. Most of the time I don’t know the idea for the new story until the last minute or it changes as I am writing.
I created a Facebook account in my wife’s name to protect me from hackers, who might target me because of my job in the State Department. Our family and friend liked my stories, but the likes became fewer as time passed. I began to share my stories on Christian ministry pages, where I was welcomed by most and rebuked by a few. I needed another way to spread the Good News, so I created a dedicated page to share my stories named Good News to Share (https://www.facebook.com/GoodNewsStoriestoShare). That enabled me to gather Friends and Followers who wanted to read and hopefully share my stories.
The biggest problem is that few people share my stories. I know every story doesn’t speak to every person, but surely more of my 4,000 followers know someone who needs the Good News? They can share stories directly or in a group so people won’t get offended or feel attacked. With 150,000 people dying each day, maybe you know someone who needs to know “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). Maybe you know someone who doesn’t know “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3 KJV)?
It won’t take much effort, just a simple “Share” will allow GOD to speak to someone. GOD said “my word … shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11 KJV). So go ahead and share the Good News so it can do its work and change some one for all eternity!
Wayne Lance (2020)