As I write this story there’s a hunt going on and the hunters have been extremely successful in bagging their prey. The season has just begun and with their appetite for blood the only limit, the hunt will continue for some time. They’ve been waiting for twenty years and won’t stop until they kill every last one! Who are these hunters and what are they after? The Taliban are hunting Afghan Christians. Please pray for GOD’s intervention!
Christian persecution isn’t new, but when have we (US) ever handed them over to their killers with no protection or way of escape? Christians have endured in Afghanistan, though it wasn’t easy, but our sudden exit and deal with the Taliban seems to have taken them by surprise.
With tales of the Taliban actively hunting for Christians, it makes me wonder how they will identify them. Christian cities and communities will be wiped out with no mercy. Will their non-Christian neighbors point them out? Rape and torture have always been part of the Taliban’s battle plans. That will terrorize others into submission and cooperation. Perhaps they had spies locating Christians in preparation for the day when they return to power? It seems the Taliban are internet savvy and they may have been gathering information that way.
This real-time horror story makes me wonder what will happen when Christians become the hunted in our country. But that will never happen here! Where did you live in 2020? The country locked down because of COVID, Churches forced to close, businesses and individuals forced into financial ruin, riots in the streets, unrestrained stealing, killing and destruction. Now in 2021 we are moving toward socialism, our border is open, and we gave Afghanistan to the Taliban, while China and Russia prepare for world domination! Yes it will happen here!
How will they figure out who the Christians are? If they use Biblical principles as a guide, they won’t find many! If they raid Full Gospel Churches they may get a few convictions, but they shouldn’t try it on Super Bowl Sunday, during hunting season, or on a long weekend. What if they look for those who “loved their neighbor as their self” (Mat 22:39)? Would your neighbors know you are a Christian by your love (John 13:35)? If they asked the people you witnessed to at work, in Wal-Mart, or on the street to testify, would you be found guilty?
You are shy, so social media might be the way they identify you! Do you “love the LORD with all your heart, soul, mind” (Mat 22:37) and your internet presence? Do you shine the light of JESUS in that dark place? If they revealed the web sites you visit, would you be convicted or embarrassed? Maybe they will entrap you by asking true believers to come and pray for those who rule over us (1 Tim 2:2)? What if they only wanted those who accepted the LORD JESUS CHRIST as their Savior to lead them to the LORD? Would they get you that way?
As for GOD, He “so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16) so He is guilty of loving us! JESUS was hunted, captured, tried, tortured and killed because of guilt, but that was ours. He set us free from the law of sin and death (Rom 8:2), so He is guilty of loving us!
Wayne Lance