Humble Beginnings

Born into a humble family, in a poor country, where money and power rule, with a father who drank too much and a mother who never had a job, what were Susan’s chances? Unable to care for her, her parents relied on extended family to feed and clothe her. They sent her to school, but she had to work for her keep. As the “poor relative,” she watched as her cousin’s lived normal lives and remembers a doll she received as a present, being sold. As the eldest of four children, she worried about her brothers and sisters, staying with other relatives, especially her youngest sister and how would she bury her father if he died? Susan couldn’t afford the trappings of her religion, so she would sit behind her Auntie’s house and cry out to GOD for help.

GOD answered her prayers when she was working as a housemaid on Clark Air Base. She met and married a young American, who was in the U.S. Air Force. Their early years weren’t easy, as they adjusted to married life and later to being parents. Fortunately a good Church and Christian friends helped them overcome those early challenges. Susan was generous and able to help her family, but money was still a struggle. GOD always provided, but only just enough.

When her husband retired from the Air Force and joined the State Department, their income increased, but so did their expenses. For years they enjoyed traveling and living around the world, but were always financially restrained. Three grandchildren were blessings, but also added expenses. Susan faithfully gave back to GOD and was able to care for her mother, father and brother until their passing and pay for their funerals. When they finally got a financial breather, they purchased a house back in Texas, where they would retire. Mortgage payments tightened their budget again, but they had to prepare.

When they retired, Susan wasn’t happy about giving up their travels and the higher income she had become accustomed to. Thankfully the LORD provided more than she could ask or think! With no house or car payments, our retirement income was more than enough. You see, GOD answered the prayers of that humble young lady who cried out to Him so long ago!

There was another humble beginning that is more amazing. That child was born into a poor family, and in a poor country suffering under a brutal foreign power. His family was ordered to travel to the man’s hometown to be counted, even though his mother was about to deliver him. That’s how the child came to be born in a lowly stable. What a way to begin life!

The humble beginning didn’t hold him back. He came to set us free, performed miracles and taught with authority. He lived a sinless life and died on a cruel cross because, “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). You see, that child was GOD, who came as a humble baby so we all can have a victorious ending!

Wayne Lance (2020)