Some people take that statement to mean what I am against, while others see it as a sign of intolerance and hatred. There are too many cases where these are accurate, or believed for good reason. It is heartbreaking to see adversaries choose sides and one or both call themselves Christian. There are circumstances where people must defend themselves or protect their family, but too often lesser differences override our command to “love your neighbor as yourself.” We should know and do better than that.
Some lump all “religions” together and cite recent acts by fanatics or atrocities from the past as proof that all religion is bad. Yes, religion has been used as a reason to mistreat others and we know that is wrong. If we use history as a guide, we should stop doing “everything” because “everything” has been misused at one time or another.
Another group takes on the label “Christian” like choosing their political party or professional sports team. They have no strongly held beliefs, but it fits their “image” or puts them on “the side” they want to be seen on. These Christians won’t allow their beliefs to interfere with their own or other’s lives and adjust those beliefs whenever needed.
These days there are people that label us as intolerant because we won’t sanction a long list of behaviors that clearly go against our understanding of the Bible. Does our firm stand mean we hate them? I say no.
When I say “I am a Christian” it doesn’t mean I hate you or that I am against you. It means I love you enough to share the most wonderful treasure I have found. I accepted what Jesus Christ did for me and won’t have to pay for my sins in Hell. Yes I will risk your scorn by standing up for you and against sin, because Jesus loved us enough to stand up for us and against sin. He died for us while we were yet sinners “so whosoever believeth in Him might be saved” (John 3:16 KJV).
Wayne Lance