I Can See

     I just had my second cataract surgery and thank GOD, I can see!  Not that I couldn’t see before, but my vision was blurred by cataracts.  I couldn’t see details and didn’t see things as they really are.  We recently took a 5000-mile road-trip across the United States and part of Canada.  It was beautiful, but I couldn’t see all the beauty there was to see.  I even needed my wife’s help to read street signs in the distance.

      When I was younger, I had excellent vision, which has changed over time.   I wore reading glasses for a while, but as the years passed, I needed more.  I resisted as long as I could, but finally surrendered and got my first pair of prescription glasses. That was a big step for me. 

     Yes, my glasses helped my vision, but it was a major adjustment to my life.   I had to learn to protect my glasses while wearing them.  I was living overseas at the time and had to bring extra glasses with me.  I remember a lens falling out as I was driving on the highway in the Netherlands.  I was in heavy traffic in an unfamiliar area.  I couldn’t read my GPS and was lost without it.  I had to get off the highway and find the lens, before going any farther.  I depended on my glasses, and it made me feel vulnerable.  I didn’t like that feeling.

     When Doctors removed my cataracts, they inserted lens that made a dramatic difference in my sight.  Everything became clear and colors were brighter than I ever remember seeing!  With cataracts gone and the help of the new lenses, I can see!  Thank GOD I can see!

     A similar experience happened when I got saved.  The future seemed dark and unclear.  I didn’t know what was going to happen and that scared me.  Then I found out “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV).  I accepted JESUS and my future was clear.  No matter what happens, I can look forward to everlasting life.  I can literally see to eternity!

     In addition to everlasting life, JESUS will “change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body” (Phil 3:21KJV).   I will lose all the limitations of my human eyes!  I will truly be able to see the full beauty of the love of GOD! “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known” (1 Cor 13:12 KJV).  Then I will truly be able to say, “I can see!”

Wayne Lance (2017)