I have been watching the news as protests spread across the US. Angry demonstrations sprang up soon after the election results were in. What is their point? He was a flawed candidate who won the primary election and went on to victory against another flawed candidate in the general election. Like the results or not, the time to change the outcome has passed. The votes were counted, and he will be the next President of the United States. No amount of outrage will change that.
Last Sunday morning I was sitting in Church and thinking how flawed I am. How can I proclaim GOD’s goodness, mercy, and power? If I tell others about what GOD has done in me, they will see my flaws and question GOD’s power. How can I tell others what GOD can do for them, when I am in such a mess?
I am the first to agree that I still have many faults. Earlier that Sunday morning I made a careless remark that hurt my wife. I love my wife dearly and had no intention of hurting her, but the pain was real. All I could do was to ask for her forgiveness. I can’t even say it won’t happen again, because I didn’t mean for it to happen that time. Though I strive for perfection, I will always be less than perfect.
Jesus said, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect” (Mat 5:8 KJV). Though GOD demands perfection, I just can’t do it! That is an impossible task for me! Fortunately, we serve the GOD of the impossible.
GOD took this imperfect vessel and made a way for me to serve Him. “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). When I believed, the blood of Jesus washed away all my imperfections. Yes, I will continue to fail, but I am forgiven! I am saved by the blood Jesus shed for me on the cross! No matter how many accusations the enemy throws at me, it is a done deal. When GOD looks at me, He sees Jesus! Now I can tell the world of GOD’s goodness, mercy, and power and what He has done with this imperfect vessel!
Wayne Lance (2016)