It Isn’t Really Free

     The advertisement says “Buy one and get one free.”  What a deal!  You pay for the first, but that second one is free!  How could it be?  Can anything these days really be free?  Actually it isn’t really free.  It is an advertising gimmick to get you to pay the full price for the first one, or you get two for half price.   The seller may be willing to make a smaller profit or take a loss to get you to try their product.  When you come back for more the price will be higher.

     Many things seem free these days.  You watch a television show and you don’t have to pay, but commercials interrupt your “free” entertainment.  The show is paid for by selling commercials and the companies that advertise their products include the cost of advertisement in the prices they charge their customers.  If you never buy their product, the TV show might be free to you, but someone will have to pay for your entertainment. 

     In the US, the election season is in full swing.  You don’t have to listen very long before you hear about the free things the candidates want to give you.  They promise free education, healthcare, childcare and tax credits (free money) if you elect them.  One candidate is an avowed socialist and says you have a right to expect these free things from your government.  It all sounds great until you discover that “free” stuff will cost a lot of money.  Your taxes will go up or companies will raise their prices to pay their higher tax bills.  The bill might even have to be paid by your children or grandchildren.  The bottom line, it isn’t really free. 

     There is a lot of talk about freedoms in America.  They are something we should be thankful for, but are too often taken for granted.  Because we are born in the US we are given the freedoms that come with our citizenship, but they definitely are not free.  From the foundations of our country we have fought kings, dictators, fascists, emperors, and communists to protect the freedoms we enjoy.  Even today we spend our fortunes, our lives and our blood to preserve the freedoms we hold dear.  Yes we are free, but at great expense.

     There is another “free” gift that came at great expense.  “For GOD so loved the world, He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him might not perish, but have everlasting life.”   (John 3:16).   Salvation is “freely” given to us, but GOD gave his only son and JESUS gave his life on the cross, so it isn’t really free. 

Wayne Lance (2015)