That was how a witness described the scene at the airport in Istanbul, after the terrorist attack. The suffering and death were more than they could describe, so they compared it to the worst place they could think of. I understand what they were trying to say, but they were oh so wrong. I’m not trying to minimize the horror they saw, but no matter how bad it was, it wasn’t “like Hell.” Not even close!
The people at that airport cried out and medical personnel rushed to help them. Their pain and suffering will eventually end, but everyone in Hell is beyond help. No one will answer their cries and their pain will last forever.
If the pain of the airport victims becomes too great, they will pass out or their body will go into shock to protect their mind. In Hell, the lost souls will feel the flames burn their body. They won’t lose consciousness; their body won’t be consumed and the fire will never go out.
The attack survivors can still ask for GOD’s grace and mercy to help in their time of need. He will hear their cries and help them to recover and go on with their lives. For those in Hell, there is no more grace, no more mercy, and no more help. There will only be unimaginable suffering and unending torment.
As long as the people in the airport live, they still have a chance to accept JESUS as their personal Savior. For the people in Hell, it is too late. Their chances ran out with their last breath.
You may think your life is like Hell, but it isn’t. You still have a chance because, “GOD so loved the world, He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him might not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Believe in JESUS and accept Him as your Savior and your “everlasting life” can begin right now. You don’t have to find out what Hell is really like.
Wayne Lance (2016)