For the last 15 years I have sent out my annual newsletters to everyone I had thought might be interested, usually accompanied by a picture or two. I wanted to share our life and testimonies of GOD’s goodness, but it never seemed enough. I received enough replies to keep me sending out the newsletters. One friend said, “I guess with you and Kevin (Christian friend) praying for me, I can sin with impunity.” It wasn’t the response I wanted, but it let me know he was getting the point of my newsletters. He was murdered in South Africa two months later.
I was introduced into the world of “Likes and Shares” when I joined Facebook. I had avoided it for security reasons until my Mom passed away. I felt the need to stay in closer contact with my family, friends, and loved ones around the world. That was also when I started writing my stories. GOD had given me so much more to say.
Facebook was a great way to keep up with everyone, especially my grandchildren, and a way to share my stories. I used my wife’s account and that gave me a sympathetic audience as I stepped out in faith. Our Friends were encouraging and gave the stories a lot of “Likes” and a few “Shares.” Some may have felt obligated, while others were surprised, I could even write. I was just glad to get the stories out there.
As the years passed and the stories kept coming, the number of Likes and Shares dropped off. Though we have more Friends now, I can’t be sure how many people are reading my stories. I was surprised to learn my own security settings kept the stories from reaching a larger audience. If I had selected “Public” my stories would have also gone to their Friends and even farther. It hurts to think of all those missed opportunities. I changed my settings and now I post a new story and six old stories a week, hoping to get another chance to reach the people I missed. I also add my stories as comments, whenever they seem to fit someone else’s post and on many other pages.
Why do I care so much about how many people read my stories? God gave me these stories to share. They are reminders that, “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3;16 NIV). If they accept JESUS they will go to Heaven and if they don’t they will go to Hell.
Wayne Lance (2016)