Last week the pollution was really bad in Beijing. It climbed to over 400 AQI, and it looked like a thick fog had settled over the city. From our apartment I could only see a few buildings, with nothing in sight beyond that. If I hadn’t known better, I would have thought that was all there was to Beijing and the world for that matter. That was all I could see with my own eyes and parts of that wasn’t very clear. If I had to testify as an eyewitness, I could only positively say that a limited portion of this massive city still existed.
There were other indications of life beyond what I could see. Masses of vehicles and people came into view and left as they normally do. The electricity and water continued to work, though I couldn’t see either the power plant or the water source. The TV showed live broadcasts from places that were far away. Though I couldn’t see it, there were signs that Beijing and the world were still out there.
Fortunately there had been low pollution days when I had a much clearer view of this city. I knew for a fact there were many more buildings and much more to see in this huge city and beyond. We took advantage of those clear days to explore, I had read books, and watched TV programs showing other parts of the city. With those memories, I knew there was more than I could see at that time.
Our view of GOD can be like that. There are times when we will only have a limited view of Him. Nothing within view will tell us that GOD is doing much or actively working on our behalf. It isn’t true, because it is only our view that is limited.
Maybe we can’t see that much of Him, but we can see indications that He is still there. Look at the people He has changed. They pass through our limited view and are different. Look at the effects He continues to have on your life, though you can’t see the source. You are blessed, have good health and feel His presence. You can hear testimonies from others of what he is doing in their lives. You may not see all of HIM, but you will see signs HE is still there.
Another way to see GOD is to remember the times when you did clearly see Him. Then you will know He has done and is doing more than you can see right now. Reading the Bible and listening to teaching about Him will help. Searching for Him while He can be found will help you during those times when you can’t see very much of GOD. You will know He is there by faith. Your view may be limited, but GOD isn’t.
Wayne Lance (2014)