One of these days I will stop being surprised by my wife, but not today. We traveled and lived around the world for many years overseas and she didn’t want it to end. She misses seeing new places, tasting new food, and seeing how people live and work. Language barriers didn’t stop her curiosity and I saw her compassion for the poor and weak surface again and again.
Though we retired her interest in people in foreign lands continues. We took several long road trips across the US and part of Canada, and she visited Toronto with her sisters, but it wasn’t enough. Being close to family and loving our grandchildren was a temporary distraction, but her compassion continues for those who don’t have the opportunities we have. I’ve also noticed she has little patience for those who don’t appreciate how blessed they are.
That is where You Tube comes in. Susan started watching videos about poor nomadic tribes in Iran. They don’t have nice homes or an abundance of food, but Susan likes watching the family’s daily life. They live in a remote mountainside and their small hut is made of rocks and mud. Many of the programs show the family making their way through mountains with little or no trails. Women carry heavy burdens while the men and boys carry little or nothing. The women also do most of the work at home while the men sit around waiting for their food to be served. Many nomads have goat herds so the men may do that for a living. Susan felt sorry for their limited food, hard life, and lack of necessities and said she sent some money to the woman. I complained it probably wouldn’t get to her or be misused by others.
I understand Susan’s compassion because she experienced hardship when growing up in the Philippines. She knows what hunger and lack are like. Is that why I have less compassion than she does? I grew up in poverty by US standards and didn’t always have what I needed. JESUS told us to, “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31) and I should be doing that. I look at those people in the light of their government that sponsors terrorism and know they are likely Muslims and possibly radicals, so my compassion fades. I hear of Iranian Christians being persecuted for their faith by Muslims and I get angry. I will never see those people in person or be able to tell them about JESUS and my heart hardens when I know it shouldn’t.
The Bible says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:28-29 KJV) so why do I make a difference? JESUS died for them just them just like He did for me and “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:16 KJV) and they are part of that “world” that GOD loves and included in the “whosoever” that can believe and be saved. So why don’t I obey GOD’s command to “feed my sheep” (John 21:16 KJV)?
The truth is, I can’t do it in my own strength (John 15:5) so I allow JESUS to do it through me. I believe GOD gave me the HOLY SPIRIT and my wife so they can teach me how to love my neighbor as myself. I thank GOD for extending His love to the Iranians and to me!
Wayne Lance (2023) – That’s Good News to Share!