Making a Difference

     I am really interested in the news.  I don’t know exactly how it started, but when I was in the Air Force and world events drew us into different armed conflicts, I began to pay more attention.  I also became interested in politics when I saw how the decisions politicians made could affect my life.   As they moved away from traditional values, I paid even more attention.  I have spent countless hours keeping up with the news, but with all that information I seriously doubt I have made any difference. 

     The other day at work, I commented to a coworker about how bad a deal we (US) negotiated with Iran and was surprised with his reply.  He immediately said, “Most everybody else is happy with the agreement.”  I went on to press my point with examples as to why we can’t trust the Iranians and how they want nukes to destroy Israel.  The conversation continued, but I soon realized we had very different views and all my talk probably wouldn’t make a difference. 

      I have traveled around the world and lived overseas while in the military and now with the State Department.  During that time I have made many friends and care about many more people I have met.  When I see something going on where they are, I pay closer attention and would like to be able to help.  If we are still in contact, I send an e-mail or post something on Facebook.  I would like to make a difference, so I say a prayer and watch for some sign that they are ok.

     As far back as I can remember I attended Church.  I was saved as a child and though I had my failures, GOD has been the center of my life.  In all that time I am not sure how much of a difference I have made in anyone’s life.  Yes, I supported others who ministered, but sharing Jesus is the most important “difference” I can make.  I will continue to try being a witness whenever the Lord gives me an opportunity.  The Spirit will lead them to Jesus and they must accept His gift of salvation.  That will make the only real difference “For GOD so loved the world, He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him might not perish, but have everlasting life”   (John 3:16).

Wayne Lance (2015)