Manufacturer’s Recommendations

I took my car in for recommended maintenance today. Nothing major, but it was due for an oil change. My car was running just fine with no major problems, but the maintenance reminder said the oil was nearing the end of its service life. I could have ignored the reminder, but the car maker believes this maintenance frequency will preserve my car engine.

I also bought two tires because I knew I needed them. Nobody had to tell me because I knew from experience, I needed those tires. I tried to save money and hadn’t followed the tire rotation recommendations before so two of my tires were worn out while the other two had many miles of remaining use. I didn’t want to have a blowout or lose traction when the streets were wet and have or cause an accident, so I replaced them. That was something I knew couldn’t put off.

While I was in for the oil change and tires the mechanic inspected my car to see if there was anything else my car needed. Thankfully I only need periodic maintenance based on milage that will soon be due. That maintenance will cost hundreds of dollars but should prevent expensive repairs and premature system failures in the future. Again, it’s not based on how my car is running now, but what the car maker says will extend the service life of my car. I purposely bought this car brand because it is known to last longer and is more reliable. The manufacturer wants to protect that reputation and I want to protect my investment, so I follow their recommendations. Sounds like a no brainer, right? Then why doesn’t everyone do it?

We were made in GOD’s image (Gen 1:27) and He knows us best, so why don’t we do what He says is best for us? We know what we should do, but our sin has separated us from GOD and keep us from returning to Him!

Do you think GOD doesn’t know you? David said, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works” (Psa 139:14 KJV). He knows what sin has done to you and knows what it will do to you if you don’t accept His salvation!

Do you think GOD is out to get you? “God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:17 KJV). He’s not out to get you but to deliver you from misery now and the eternal torment that’s coming!

Do you think GOD doesn’t care about you? “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). He provided what you needed most, so why don’t you accept His gift?

With all of that going for you, why don’t you follow the manufacturer’s (GOD’s) recommendations (commands) and accept His love? He made you but you get to choose to come to Him or not. It’s up to you whether you get the most from this life and spend your eternity with Him. Choose wisely. Your ability to choose will end all to soon.

Wayne Lance