Wednesday evening I picked up my granddaughters to take them to Church. I intended to do it sooner, but something always seemed to get in the way. I finally had to make it a priority because that was one of the reasons I retired and returned to Texas. That is my new job. Sophia who is 8, was beside herself with excitement at getting to go. Life kind of got in the way that night and Isaiah (grandson) had to stay home to finish his homework.
The girls asked me to turn on the radio in the car. We like listening to K-Love, a Christian station and they know many of the songs. I asked them to sing me some songs instead, but they only seemed to know Jingle Bells. I began struggling through an old hymn when Olivia, who just turned 7, began enthusiastically singing Jingle Bells. I guess I was messing them up when Olivia shouted “we are trying to sing back here!” That was so funny I let them continue to make a joyful noise! Singing songs with my grandchildren is my new job.
Our Church had special programs for the children and they loved it! Sophia ran to me afterwards, telling about the puppet show they participated in. I assured her we would come every Wednesday night that we could. We continued our fun while driving back home. Sophia wanted me to sing Amazing Grace and I sang it in the traditional way and then repeated it my “rap mode” to get the kids more interested. Olivia immediately started accompanying me by making noises with her mouth like a rapper with Sophia laughing and singing along. Enjoying learning and singing about JESUS with my grandchildren is my new job.
This was all made possible because “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NIV). Since I “believed” and accepted JESUS as my Savior, being a witness to my family, friends and loved ones is my new job. I won’t stop at just telling them, but they are my first priority.
Wayne Lance (2016) – That’s Good News to Share!