It’s Valentine’s Day in China, at least for the Americans living here. Frantic searches are underway by those who waited too long to buy gifts or completely forgot. It is an opportunity to express our love to those we hold most dear or to wish we had if we disappoint them. This is not the day to say “sorry I forgot” or ask “what do you want for Valentine’s Day?
”For some people it is a day to remember a love that has been lost due to a broken relationship or death. I spoke to a widower today that still cries because his wife passed away a few months ago. Love doesn’t stop just because loved ones are gone.
Susan is my special someone and since we are far away from our daughter and grandchildren, she is my only Valentine within reach. I figured I was off the hook this year, after Susan said “don’t spend money on getting me anything” but I never know for sure. After 36 years of marriage, I still can’t tell when “don’t” means “don’t” or really means “do.” Normally I would buy some flowers and candy and listen to her say “you shouldn’t have.”
This year Susan will spend the coming week on a trip to Xian with her friends and I figured she wanted to save money to spend on the trip. That kind of figuring has gotten me in trouble before. When I came home on Friday “My Valentine” had dinner ready and had already cooked enough meals to keep me well-fed during her upcoming absence. For me that means she still loves me, and I wasn’t in the doghouse (trouble).
There is another Valentine who is always within reach. He doesn’t wait for a special day to show His love. He doesn’t ask much from us, in comparison with what He gives. He will never leave or forsake us and has made great plans to show us His endless love. He had already given us the best expression of His love, before we even knew or loved Him; “For GOD so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). I gave Him my heart and He gave me eternal life!
Wayne Lance (2015)