During this Thanksgiving season, there seems to be very little “thanks giving” even we have so much to be thankful for. Yes a lot of bad things are going on in the world and it doesn’t seem to be getting better, but can’t we find something to be thankful for? Three college basketball players from the US were arrested in China and faced prison for theft. Even they were guilty, President Trump personally asked the President Xi for their release. The freed young men expressed their appreciation, but the father of one of them downplayed the President’s role in the matter. Why couldn’t the father be thankful?
We elected a new President, but some people are angry because their candidate lost. They criticize everything he does and seem willing to tear down everything we hold dear to show how unhappy they are. Many countries would be thankful if they could vote on their leaders and enjoy the measure of success we have. Shouldn’t we be thankful for that?
In much of the world it is hard to tell the difference between law enforcers and lawbreakers. Civil rights are overcome by money and power. Our system isn’t perfect, but our Police forces are some of the most respected in the world. Our legal system protects the rights of both the victim and the criminal. When you need the police, they will respond and help you as much as the law allows. They have sworn to uphold the law and keep the peace, even if that puts them in danger. Shouldn’t we be thankful for that?
Our military have their share of critics. With such a huge organization, spread literally around the world, they do have room for improvement. They have many of the same flaws as we do, but they volunteered to defend our freedom, even if it costs their lives. They don’t always get it right, but we are free because of their hard work and sacrifice. Shouldn’t we be thankful for that?
If we can’t find anything else to be thankful for, consider “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). What does He ask in return for this precious gift? Accept Him and become part of His family. We deserve to die for our sins, but He wants to give us eternal life and overcoming power! That is something we all can be thankful for!
Wayne Lance (2017)