Not Guilty!

That was the headlines that shocked the nation! For almost two years the nation has been waiting for the results of the investigation. Half the country wanted a long list of serious charges and the other half expected some kind of charges to be announced. Even the President and his lawyers seemed concerned about the outcome, and aggressively tried to discredit the investigation. After all the wild speculations, accusations from people who should be in-the-know and constant coverage by the media, surely they had come up with something? How could he be found not guilty?

After numerous indictments against his staff and the arrest and conviction of his personal lawyer, you might question the President’s innocence. Salacious charges from more than one woman put his character in doubt, but those were not criminal offenses and we already knew the President isn’t perfect. They were supposed to be investigating collusion with the Russians and that was the charge he was totally cleared of.

With their hopes of serious charges dashed, the President’s political enemies are demanding access to the full report and all supporting documents. They are looking for enough dirt to cast doubt on the outcome and to support impeachment. They want to at least continue to drag the President’s name through the mud and possibly defeat him in the next election.

This scenario sounds very familiar to me, because I was also found not guilty. That was shocking to me and to those who really know me. I was investigated in the public eye for many years. I had my supporters, who knew I wasn’t completely innocent, but believed most of my facade. On the other side, my detractors believed that I was guiltier than they expected. I was the subject of wild speculation and accusations from people who seemed to know me. With all that negative talk, there must be some truth to it. I even sounded guilty as I aggressively defended myself. The problem, I knew I was as guilty as sin.

I have a family history of coming up short, I was a product of a broken home and I spent years in the Foster care system, which made me a statistic just waiting to happen. That is when my shocking verdict was announced. I was found not guilty! Not that I was innocent, but because my guilt had been washed away. I could hardly believe it and my “friends and family” doubted my verdict. How could I be guilty before and not guilty now? Others wondered, but I knew I had done wrong and I wasn’t sure it wouldn’t happen again.

The only reason this is possible is because “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16-17 KJV). I believed and I was saved. JESUS died on the cross and His innocent blood washed away my sins.
That’s not the end of the story, because I still need the power of the HOLY SPIRIT to overcome the enemy, who is trying to steal my victory, kill and destroy me. It won’t work because JESUS promised to never leave or forsake me. He will keep me “not guilty!”

Wayne Lance (2019)