Pastor Bob

Do you appreciate your Pastor? Have you told him, better yet, have you shown him? If you have a Pastor like ours, you have a treasure beyond compare. Counselor, teacher, preacher, prayer warrior, Bible scholar, willing vessel for GOD’s will, and the HOLY SPIRIT anointing…and the list goes on.

In our small Church, Pastor Bob is a carpenter, plumber, painter, and a computer and sound technician. He sets up the building for Church and school, cleans and mops, mows the lawn, and trims trees, besides holding three services, hours of daily prayer, one-on-one deliverances and running a K – 12 Christian school.

So how does he do it? The obvious answer is with a lot of help! Pastor Bob’s wonderful family, whose to-do list and drive are worth more than we could ever pay. They are in every service, working in both the Church and School, and support Pastor Bob in everything he does and yet there is still more than they can handle. Pastor Bob’s 82-year-old father is also helping to carry the load. Even with the help of his family, how can he carry the workload?

The main “help” Pastor Bob gets is from GOD! Paul said, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil 4:13 KJV). So, GOD is doing the work for Pastor Bob? You wouldn’t ask that if you have ever worked with him. GOD works through people when they truly love and surrender to Him! JESUS said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15 KJV) and “…lovest thou me…Feed my sheep” (John 21:17 KJV). What has that got to do with Pastor Bob’s workload? Everything!

When asked what the greatest commandments are, JESUS said, “love the Lord thy God with all” and “love thy neighbour as thyself” (Mat 22:37 and 39 KJV). Pastor Bob works so hard because He loves GOD with his all and loves his neighbor as himself. Maybe he should ease up and not work so hard? Instead of easing up, GOD has given Pastor Bob a vision for Heritage Christian Ministries that means much more work. That is why he needs your help!

So how can I show Pastor Bob how I appreciate him? You can follow GOD’s commandments and “love the Lord thy God with all” and “love thy neighbour as thyself’ also. But I have a job and a family and obligations! GOD won’t tell you to do anything that you can’t do. Start by attending services, prayer and reading the WORD, and being “transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Rom 12:2 KJV). Then do GOD’s will, whether it is teaching, preaching, praying, sweeping the floor, being a sound tech, carpenter, plumber or the whatever He gives you to do! That will ease some of the burden Pastor Bob already carries and leave room for the vision GOD has given us all!

It sounds like GOD wants me to offer my life. Can He ask that much? Yes, because “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV) and JESUS “obedient unto death, even the death of the cross” (Phil 2:8 KJV). Nothing we give Him can compare to what He has given us!

Wayne Lance (2023) – That’s Good News to Share!