Please Share

I post my stories under the title “Good News to Share” because I want people to pass on the “Good News” to others. Yes, I am sharing the stories with them, but too often that is where it ends. I see the stories as witnessing tools for people who are shy about sharing their faith or for reaching those who resist the Gospel. I get many Facebook “Likes” and “Loves” (Thanks!) but very few “Shares.” Shares enable everyone who receives a post to Share it. A “Friend Share” limits sharing to friends, but there is no limit on “Public Shares.” People express their appreciation for me sharing, but few share with others. Some have told me how a particular story touched them and that encourages me to keep writing. I am also encouraged to share, because GOD shared the stories with me. I read and reread the stories I write and they have the effect on me that I want to see in others. That is why I share.

I have some idea why people don’t share the Good News with others. Many Christian posts spend a lot of time and effort convincing sinners that GOD loves them and JESUS died so they can be saved. Salvation is the most important message and should be the first priority in the Gospel message. Unfortunately for too many that is where the story ends. They accept JESUS and His blessings and go on with their lives. Yes, they are saved and will go to Heaven, but don’t they want to share that blessing with others? Do they want their family, friends and loved ones to go to Hell? No, but they don’t want to risk rejection if they tell them about JESUS.

There is more to being a Christian than being saved. The same JESUS who saved us said, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you” (John 13:34 KJV). That is a high standard to live up to, but we have the power of the HOLY SPIRIT to help us. We aren’t worthy to die for other’s sins and we don’t need to. We can share the “Good News” that “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV).

Why me? Why do I have to be the one to share? Can’t they get it the way I did? You “got it” because someone shared the “Good News” with you. Whether you received the message in Church, by a personal witness, through a printed page or on the internet, someone made the effort to share. If they had not, you most likely would still be lost, like most of the world.

When JESUS was asked for the greatest commandment, He said “love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind… And the second…love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mat 22:37-39 KJV). Loving your neighbor is second only to loving GOD! That high standard “as yourself” means, give them what you want. You accepted JESUS, so share your testimony (what happened to you). That’s a command from your LORD and SAVIOR! Don’t stop there. “Please share” with everyone you can, and then you won’t be the only one saved and going to Heaven!

Wayne Lance