Susan went with her sister to Church last Sunday morning, so I was on my own. I knew I had to stop by the ATM machine on the way to our Church and I was running behind. Maybe that is why I forgot to bring my umbrella? Thunderstorms were in the forecast, and I was left without protection.
I drove my car, so I should be fine, but what if I needed to protect my grandchildren? That is a responsibility I am still getting used to. They don’t mind getting wet, but that can cause problems. I know better than to leave my umbrella behind because it has come in handy so many times before. Normally I am the one who reminds everyone else to be ready, just in case.
I remember watching people get soaked after a concert when they were caught without protection. Their fun was ruined, their clothes soaked, and they looked rather foolish because they forgot or didn’t want to bother with an umbrella. It isn’t like an umbrella is a huge inconvenience. These days’ good ones will collapse into a very small size and easily fit in a purse or jacket pocket. There is no good reason to get caught in the rain without one. We know it will rain and someday we will get wet if we are not protected.
I usually keep my umbrella in the car, but our weather has been rather dry lately and I left mine in the other car. Susan’s umbrella was in my car and was covered in pink flowers. It could protect me from the rain, but not from the teasing I would get if people saw me using it. I would rather get wet. Unfortunately, it also meant Susan wasn’t protected either.
More importantly, we shouldn’t get caught without GOD’s protection. We certainly will die and we need GOD to protect us from the consequences of our own sin. There is no good reason to get caught without it. “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NIV). Accept His protection or you will suffer eternal death. You must come in faith, because “he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Heb 11:6 KJV). GOD will be there when we need His protection, and He will never leave.
Wayne Lance (2017)