Raise Your Children

The internet is awash with the problems of young people these days. Tales of rebellion, despair, substance abuse, suicide and serious doubts about their generation are all over. There have always been generation gaps, but most fade as the reality of life sets in and they have to take on responsibilities. Each generation has some anxiety about how their children will cope with problems of the world. That may account for some of the negative comments, but surely their parent prepared them for what is coming?

Sadly, the problem is their parents didn’t. Too many children grew up without rules and direction. Parents didn’t raise their children, so the world did! They let television programs, social media, celebrities, and teachers teach them right from wrong. Friends had more influence over the children than parents! Parents were friends instead of disciplinarians and spoiling grandparents made it worse. Children were allowed to choose, without the maturity and guidance to make wise choices. Some parents “influenced” those choices to reflect popular culture and to ensure everyone knew they were “cool” parents.

With the lack of parenting, is there any wonder these “snowflakes” melt under the heat of the real world? Overloaded with undeserved complements, unearned awards and unrealistic views of their own abilities and entitlements, is it surprising so many fail in the workplace and depend on their parents? One of the most shocking examples is how young people have embraced socialism. They are eager to give up the opportunities freedom offers for a chance to be cared for by socialism. Maybe their math skills are lacking and they don’t see it won’t work, but it seems they are looking for the easy way out. They want free stuff, like they had at home.

So what are we supposed to do? You can “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Prov 22:6 KJV). So you mean we should try religion? No, GOD wants you to be the parent and raise your child with His help. You can have the most influence over your child’s life, if you don’t waste your opportunity. Your child was “wonderfully made” so don’t mess them up! GOD didn’t make a mistake and if He gave you a baby boy; raise him up to be the best man he can be, or a girl the best woman she can be. The Bible is full of Godly examples and none of them were confused about their gender. He gave detailed instructions about love and marriage and they all come with eternal rewards or consequences! Lead them to the LORD and He will do what you can’t.

“God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). That includes your child and he will have to accept JESUS, just as you did. GOD knows how to take care of His children and a big part of that care comes from your family. If the world raised your child so far, you can start right now being the parent GOD wants you to be. You are way behind, but you can still raise your children as long as they are alive and you believe in the GOD of miracles. It won’t be easy, but “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16 KJV).

Wayne Lance (2019)