While we lived overseas, Susan looked for Filipina friends wherever we were assigned. Most people had jobs and weren’t free to hang out with her during the day. That may be why Susan became so close to the friends she did find. Susan is from the Philippines and more easily befriends Filipinas. She is open, honest, generous, and caring to those who responded to her warmth and love.
Her attempts to make friends weren’t always successful. On several occasions she warmly reached out to someone but got a surprisingly cold response. I don’t know why they rejected her, but they missed out on the opportunity to make a great friend.
That made me think of the way people responded to JESUS. It was the sick, the blind, and the needy who believed in Him, and their needs were met. Poor fishermen and tax collectors followed Him and became the leaders of the faith. Demons yielded to His authority and the wind obeyed His commands. The wise sought His counsel and the humble praised Him. The possessed were set free and glorified GOD. The Centurion made a request and JESUS marveled at his faith.
Religious leaders rejected JESUS and missed their chance to truly lead. Scholars questioned Him yet failed to learn. Lawyers accused Him and remained in their guilt. His critics demanded his death and said, “His blood be on us, and on our children” (Mat 27:25), yet JESUS shed His blood to cover their sins.
The world killed His Son, yet “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). Your own response will determine the results you receive, everlasting life or everlasting death.
Wayne Lance