The story captivated the world’s attention. Though it is half a world away from us, I kept looking for updates. 12 boys and their soccer coach were lost in a cave. For nine days we prayed they would be found. Miraculously they were found alive, deep inside an extensive cave network. At that point it didn’t matter why they went in the cave or how they got lost. They were located by selfless heroes, who risked their lives to find them. They were alive but getting them out would require another miracle.
As the story gained attention, support began pouring in. It was a race against time to get them out because the water was rising. The tropical deluge that blocked their exit continued and their refuge was running out of air. Thailand Navy Seals, who found the lost group, took the lead in sustaining them. One retired Seal, volunteered to help and died in this heroic effort.
It wasn’t easy to bring the boys out the 2 ½ mile escape route. It was difficult for trained and experienced divers, accustomed to working in the harshest conditions. Some described it “like climbing Mount Everest.” Unfortunately, none of the boys could swim and had never used scuba gear. To make matters worse, their mental and physical health had deteriorated because of their lengthy ordeal. The coach was the worst off, due to worry and feelings of guilt.
It was a tremendous relief as they began “saving” the boys. They were no longer “lost” but were brought from impending death to life. I was amazed at how many people wanted to save those 12 boys and their coach. There are many more “lost” people that need to be saved. They are not hard to find, but it will take a miracle to “save” them and time is running out.
Every day 150,000 people pass beyond help, but they don’t have to. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life…For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:16-17). That happened before we even knew we were lost. GOD knew we would be lost, so he made a way. So why isn’t this miraculous rescue spreading across the news? Why doesn’t it get more attention? Instead of offers to help, the world seems hell-bent on letting them stay lost! This tragedy is beyond our imagination.
It wasn’t easy to save us from sin because we needed a perfect sacrifice! We were so unworthy and needed a worthy person to take our place. Knowing He would die on the cross, JESUS came to save us. We didn’t know we were lost and needed a Savior and resisted this offer of salvation. We continued in the darkness of our sin until the light of the HOLY SPIRIT got through to us. The moment we accepted JESUS; we were brought from impending death to everlasting life. We are no longer lost, but we are saved!
Will you accept JESUS as your Savior right now? Time is running out, because death will take you beyond all help and you will have to pay for your own sins in Hell.
Wayne Lance (2018)