It was Sophia’s Birthday, and we wanted to wish her a Happy Birthday and let her know how much we love her even though we lived in Beijing, and she was in Texas. That was her special day, and she deserved a little extra attention. It took a bit of doing with the time difference, but Sophia is worth it. Susan woke up with some complaints, but we couldn’t miss this chance. I called my son-in-law and he quickly said, “The show just started, call back in 2 hours.” I said OK, but my heart sank because I had to go to work. I didn’t want to interrupt, because Sophia loves “anything Princess” and they were at a Medieval themed dinner and show. Grandma was able to call later and sing Happy Birthday to her and we got some great pictures, and it looked like Sophia enjoyed her special time. I posted her pictures which received “Likes” and Birthday wishes from her fans around the world. Our friends have watched her grow up in our newsletters, through my stories, and on Facebook. Other family members had posts wishing Sophia a Happy Birthday, GOD’s blessings, and expressing their love for her.
Why do all these people go out of their way to make Sophia feel special? She isn’t the oldest or the youngest of our grandchildren. She is beautiful, but you wouldn’t notice her in a crowd. We think she is really smart, but she is an average student. Though we love to hear her sing, she will never be famous. Sophia is active, but her athletic abilities won’t make her famous. Even her parents could have found something more enjoyable to do than sit through a medieval dinner and show. I know her Dad works long hours and would have liked a day of rest. Grandma and I could have certainly waited to talk to her during our regular weekend calls. Sophia is so special because we love her! Not because of anything she is or can do, but just because she is a special part of our lives. After a whole year of being one of the kids, the middle grandchild, part of a class, a member of the team, or a face in the crowd, we wanted to show her that she is special to us. We have a personal relationship with her as an individual and want her to know how much she means to us.
That is something like how GOD sees us. We are not just another sinner that needs a Savior. We are special and He loves us! Not because of our talents and abilities or what we can do for Him. He doesn’t love the King more than the beggar or the successful more than the failure. In fact, we are all failures. Our all-powerful Heavenly Father doesn’t need us, but we desperately need Him. We didn’t even want Him but, “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NIV). We are included in that “world” He so loved, but our salvation is one sinner accepting one Savior. That’s a personal relationship.
Even after we are saved and become part of His family, GOD wants to continue a personal relationship with us. That relationship isn’t just celebrated once a year but can be celebrated every time we open our hearts to Him! We have an unlimited supply of reasons to praise Him, and we can “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise” (Psalms 100:4 NIV). You see, He is someone special too!
Wayne Lance (2016) – That’s Good News to Share!