We retired and moved back to Texas, in part, so we could spend more time with our favorite (only) grandchildren. We’ve made some great memories and have gotten to know them much better than before, but not like we want to. We live 30 miles apart, which isn’t far by Texas standards, but life keeps getting in the way of us being as close as we would like to be.
The kids are in school during the week and we have to compete with activities and their other grandparents for their limited time on Saturdays. My grandson helps his other grandpa and also works with his dad mowing yards. I was taking them to Church on Wednesday nights and having lunch with them after Church on Sunday, but things changed so we can’t do that. The Wuhan virus complicated life even more, and we get to see our grandchildren even less.
When we began seeing some relief from the virus lockdowns Grandma made a plan to have some time to bond with her grandchildren one-on-one. She decided to get one grandchild at a time and spend the day doing something nice. Grandma wants to get closer to them and show them how much they mean to her. Olivia was first because it was close to her Birthday, then Sophia and Isaiah. They all loved having her full attention and Grandma said they could do whatever they want! Grandma got hugs and kisses and listened to what they had to say, while the kids got a little spoiling. That’s not the end, because Grandma and the kids want to spend more time together and will do it again!
That’s what GOD wants to do with us! We are not just a face in the crowd to Him, but someone He wants a personal relationship with. He wants to spend lots of time hearing what we have to say and speak to our innermost being. He longs to calm our fears, heal our sicknesses and bind our wounds.
Spending time with GOD can fill us with joy like nothing else, but that time is also precious to Him. It’s hard to understand why GOD, who has everything, wants to spend time with us. In fact, “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV) so we can spend time with Him forever! That relationship was made possible because GOD “gave his son” and JESUS died on the cross so that we might be saved. Much like when Grandma offered to spend time with my grandchildren, they had to accept her offer, and we have to believe in JESUS to receive this wonderful gift from GOD.
But “GOD so loved the world” and the offer is made to “whosoever” so how can that be a personal relationship? You have to personally respond to GOD’s offer to seal the deal. That’s only the beginning of the relationship! JESUS said “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” (John 15:7 KJV). The word “abide” means to remain or stay, because He doesn’t want you to leave! So how do I do that? You can “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thes 5:17 KJV) and read the Bible because John 1:1(KJV) says “the Word was God” and He reveals Himself to you as you spend time together in His WORD.
Wayne Lance (2021)