There is an epic battle playing out at the U.S. border with Mexico. Hundreds of thousands of immigrants are desperately struggling to enter the U.S., in search of a better life. Some are fleeing poverty, others gangs and government corruption. For many it is a life or death struggle. One official stated they have apprehended people from 50 different countries, including China, Bangladesh, Turkey, Egypt and Romania in his sector. Yes, there are criminals, gang members and potential terrorists hiding in the masses, but most are looking for the opportunity and benefits found in our country.
Loopholes in our immigration laws improve their chances if they bring children, so children are added to the suffering masses. These loopholes could be closed, reduce the suffering and discourage many, but the opposition political party is relishing the current administration’s struggles to deal with illegal entries projected to top a million this year.
Pictures of people struggling over, under or through the barriers are common, but crossing the border is easy in remote areas, where the immigrants just walk across and wait to be picked up. The immigrants will be fed and cared for while in custody. With growing backlogs and overcrowded facilities, more and more illegal immigrants are released and told to return for their hearing. Most won’t be allowed to stay in the U.S. after their hearing, so they won’t return and become fugitives once they miss their court date. For most, that life is better than the one they left behind and some spent all they had on this desperate attempt.
I feel bad for the immigrants, but illegal entry into our country isn’t the answer. I welcome legal immigrants, who follow the rules and come to make our country a better place to live. Following the rules and respecting the laws of our country is how they show their appreciation.
If only people were as eager to enter the Kingdom of GOD and gain eternal life, more would be saved. It is so much better than where they are and is “exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Eph 3:20 KJV). People are trying to escape the ravages of sin, but the enemy is waging a fierce battle to keep them from entering in. That battle has been ongoing from the foundations of the world. You see “Your adversary the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.” (1 Pet 5:8 CSB).
Popular culture tells us education is the solution, but it doesn’t lead to wisdom. The world offers pleasure and self-indulgence, which are wildly popular, even as it destroys those who try it. Wealth is seen as the answer, but is elusive to most and destructive to the few who get it. Religion is ready to provide answers to searching souls. With a wide selection of denominations to pick from, you can have it your way. Some offer a list of rules to follow, while others let you do your own thing. Unfortunately neither will save your soul.
There is no other way to get in! JESUS said “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6 KJV). Accepting JESUS as your Lord and Savior is “the way” to enter the Kingdom of GOD. So come on in, He’s been waiting for you!
Wayne Lance (2019)