We have all heard “It is more blessed to give than receive” but in this self-centered world we are told we must “take what we want.” It could be an encouragement to try harder, but too many take what they can get without considering others. We can clearly see how that hurts people.
Businessmen make decisions based solely on profits and jobs are lost, lives are ruined, or unsafe products are released to the public. Politicians drive the government deep into debt to get re-elected, causing economies to collapse. Men cast aside their wives like used cars, for “newer models” and wives dump their husbands when they get a better offer. Success is too often measured by what you can get, with little regard for the consequences.
Fortunately there are “the givers” who sacrifice themselves for others.
Pastor John Asachov was a lawyer when the Soviet Union fell apart. He gave up his secure profession, and the material benefits that came with it, to become an associate Pastor in Moscow, Russia. He put his own success aside to reach lost souls.
Dyoko Waluyo was a Muslim and a successful Indonesian businessman, who came wholeheartedly to Christ. He still imports home decorations into Mexico for his living, but his life belongs to Christ. Business trips to Indonesia end up being more about “GOD’s business” than to make money. He told me “You can’t witness to Muslims if you are not willing to die for your faith.” He is a strong witness to Muslims.
Pastor Ricky and Jean Yambing work hard to shepherd a small Filipino congregation, as part of Beijing International Christian Fellowship. Pastor Ricky also works as cashier for the 4000 member fellowship and his wife works at a school. While others relaxed or traveled to see family over Christmas/New Years, they led a small group to minister to typhoon victims in the Philippines. When they returned, instead of asking for money for their own expenses, they raised funds to buy a motorcycle for a needy Pastor they met during their trip.
There is another “giver” that is our greatest example. He gave the ultimate gift because “GOD so loved the world, He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). His unselfish gift allows us “to become the sons of GOD.”
Wayne Lance (2015)