Taking Sides –
Our country is divided on just about everything these days. No matter the issue, people take one side and attack the other. Maybe it seems worse because of our around-the-clock news cycle and social media? Everyone has a strong opinion and, right or wrong, want to share it. A vigorous debate is good for a democracy, but we seem more like the “divided” than the “United” States. Have we forgotten “United we stand, divided we fall?”
Maybe our rough and tumble election set the tone, but politics has always been a blood sport. We used to have standards of conduct after the election and a certain respect for our elected officials, but those limits were thrown out when the “other person” won. Now it is “anything goes” as long as it is the “other person” you are trashing. Even his wife and children are fair game for cheap shots and off-colored humor.
The news media used to be the watchful eye, calling out abuse and misinformation, but they no longer do that. They picked a side, leaving truth and accountability behind. Even with external threats and natural disasters threatening our country, they continue to fan the flames of division. With abysmal ratings, do they really need to write-off more of their audience?
Every cause has become a point of contention. People demand their rights while trampling the rights of others. Vile and hateful words are spewed out and displayed on signs so everyone (even the children) will get their message. They cry for tolerance, but don’t tolerate another opinion. They seek justice by committing injustice. They want respect but are not respectful. Equality is their demand, but not their practice.
Celebrities and sports figures have gotten in on the act. Now that they have made it, they alienate many of the people who made them. Math may not be their strong subject, but millions of people voted for the “other side” no matter which side you pick. That is why corporations try to walk the fine line of public sentiment. If you sincerely want to draw us to your cause, do you begin by disrespecting our national symbols? Old Glory has more fans than you do.
Our leaders want us to take their side, but they don’t have the answers. They are in the middle of the fight, all covered in mud. We need a better leader. We need a leader who is wise, and there aren’t two sides to that. We need a leader who is reliable, both now and in the future. We need a leader who loves us and is worthy of honor and praise. We need JESUS.
“God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). JESUS died for us when we were on the “other side.” We demanded justice and He gave us mercy. We were wrong, yet He died to make us right. Take His side because He has never left yours.
Wayne Lance (2017)