I often see posts on Facebook of people thanking GOD for giving them another day. I can understand their appreciation because life is so precious. We mark each year added to our life with a celebration and wishes of many more years to come. A long life is our objective and seen as a special achievement. Anyone who wants to die is seen as mentally ill or abnormal.
We take special care to protect ourselves from harm and possible death. Laws are in place to hold companies responsible if their products are dangerous. The young are more reckless, but older people who are closer to the end, want to be safe and are willing to pay for it. We are urged to eat healthy foods and exercise, so we can live a long and healthy life. At the first ache or pain we run to the Doctor to make sure it isn’t serious. We avoid sick people “like the plague” because we are afraid of catching some deadly disease. Right now many are worried about contracting and dying from the Wuhan virus, even though the numbers are low in comparison to other dangers. I understand their concerns and agree with most of their actions.
Maybe part of our reactions is because of the way we treat death. After trying so hard to protect and extend life, death is seen as a horrible tragedy. Death is seen as the ultimate punishment and is reserved for the worst offenders. Even if someone dies after a long and productive life, some will still blame GOD for taking their loved one. We cry at the loss and have a hard time processing the finality. We struggle to find words to comfort their loved ones. Yes, part of it is our own desire to have them with us and grieving that loss may be needed.
As Christians we should see death in a much different light. I’m not suggesting life as anything less than precious and JESUS said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13 KJV). If GOD puts such a great value on life, so should we, but we shouldn’t have a morbid fear of death. How can we value life so much and not fear death? “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). JESUS died on the cross to wash away our sins and save our souls. He conquered death, Hell and the grave, so if we accept Him, we don’t have to be afraid of death.
Those who know JESUS as their Savior shouldn’t hold too tightly to this life. Paul said, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil 1:21 KJV). That is the key to being at peace with life and death. JESUS said “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 KJV), so this life won’t be perfect, but JESUS is with us now and we have something better than this to look forward to. Why would you not look forward to living in paradise with GOD who loves you so much? If your loved ones have gone on before you, they are the ones who have it made!
If you haven’t accepted JESUS, you should be really thankful that GOD gave you another day. If you don’t accept JESUS, this is the best you will ever get and death is truly something to be feared. Please come to JESUS right now. You may not get another chance.
Wayne Lance