Thank GOD I AM Here

“Here” is hard to describe because it is “exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or even think”. To get an idea, think Garden of Eden, plus the most beautiful place you have ever seen; add a wonderful celebration where everyone is so ecstatically happy they don’t notice how nice the place is!

Even my feelings are indescribable because you have never felt this way. More than no pain or suffering, I don’t want anything; never get tired; don’t need to sleep or rest; never feel lonely, bored, left out or worried; and I have no questions, doubts, or fears. With my renewed mind, I can think “exceeding abundantly.” Everything is perfectly clear. In Heaven with GOD, I will live forever and so time has no meaning.

JESUS welcomed me with open arms when I arrived. I fell on my knees laughing, crying and praising Him without restraint. I understand the Trinity now, having “seen” THE FATHER and HOLY SPIRIT in JESUS. His loving embrace still surrounds me. His presence never left me, but I have met thousands of people since, knowing each one, though for most we had never met before.
Everyone I meet is perfect. No matter to what age they had lived, regardless of the imperfections they had in their natural body, they are now “perfectly and wonderfully made”, and will stay that way. You won’t fully understand, but race, color, and gender doesn’t make a difference now. Everyone is beautiful, but none more nor less than another.

I was pleasantly surprised to see some people here. They weren’t heroes of the faith and had no life of sacrifice or service. Forgiveness was extended to them the moment they accepted JESUS, though for many it was in the final moments of their life. Tears of joy showed they understood the unmerited favor they had received, just like the rest of us.

I don’t have any bad memories. Yes, I remember, but absolutely know how much love, mercy and grace was applied in each situation. GOD’s righteousness means He does “right”. Forgiveness was made available by JESUS dying on the cross for our sin. We who accepted that forgiveness are in Heaven. Nobody had to go to Hell, but those who did not accept that sacrifice must pay the price for their own sin. That doesn’t take anything away from the precious “gift” that was offered.

I know people I left behind are grieving, but they shouldn’t! Not for me. I understand they miss me, but I am doing fine, actually much more than fine. I understand “to live is CHRIST” and obedience to Him and service to others is why I lived. I don’t diminish the importance of that life. Showing the love of GOD to hurting people is our part in pointing men to CHRIST. I was blessed beyond measure and comforted by the HOLY SPIRIT while I was there, but for me “to die is gain”. Now earthly accomplishments mean nothing, unless they led men to CHRIST. I don’t want anything from that life, except to see people accept JESUS and come to Heaven. Heaven is the goal and I thank GOD I am here!

Wayne Lance