Over the past year I noticed an increase in the number of posts asking for help and even a few more posts giving thanks to GOD for blessings they have received. Considering what we are going through, I wasn’t surprised. People have often turned to GOD in times of trouble, and we are in trouble. Our problems don’t compare with many other nations who don’t have the ability to respond, and we should be thankful for our blessings.
So, what are people thankful for? Our “thankful list” should be filled with answered prayers and unexpected blessings, right? Many of the thankful posts are beautiful words and pictures, found on the internet or posted by friends and family. Some quotes from the Bible, or famous authors and celebrities, are shared or reposted by those who like or agree with the content. Sadly, those prepackaged messages are less likely to reflect true thankfulness of the person posting. I use those same kinds of messages myself because they are well done and convenient. They mostly reflect my opinion more than my gratitude.
When I see a list of what people are thankful for, they seem rather self-centered. In short, “Thank you LORD for blessing me and mine with health, wealth, happiness and stuff.” But you said we should be thankful for all those things! I agree, but shouldn’t there be more substance in our gratitude? Thanking GOD for dying on the cross and saving our souls doesn’t have to be repeated every time, but have you thanked Him enough for that? Even though we don’t have to get saved again, we should remember to thank GOD for His mercy and grace when we fall short and ask Him to help us do better.
We can thank GOD for the healing and restoration that is coming by faith and for what He protected us from. Being thankful for our food is a given, but what about thanking Him for feeding others and for those who produce and prepare what we eat? If you have enough money, you should thank GOD for His provision and for help in using it to His glory. If you have abundance, you should be especially thankful and ask for wisdom in helping those who don’t.
If you have never included action in with your thankfulness, maybe you’re not. We know “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” and that “God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:16-17 KJV) is love in action, for our benefit, so shouldn’t our thankfulness lead to action? Don’t you know “ye are not your own?… For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God” (1 Cor 6:19-20 KJV). If you are thankful, do something and glorify GOD!
You can thank GOD by sharing how He saved your wretched soul and gave you victory over death, Hell, and the grave! More than thanking Him, be thankful and let the whole world know it! Your thankfulness should be more than just another post on Facebook. It may be the difference that leads someone to JESUS, who is “the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6 KJV).
Wayne Lance (2021) – That’s Good News to Share!