My grandson calls me Grandpa-Far-Far-Away, because he lives in Texas and I lived overseas for all his 11 years. Yes, we visited as often as we could and stayed in contact as much as possible, but we always lived “far-far-away.” That changed when I retired and moved back to Texas. Now I see him quite a lot. I got to pick him up after football practice and attended his games.
His team was inexperienced and small, so they didn’t do very well this season. Attending a small Christian school, living out in the country, and having two sisters as playmates, Peanut didn’t grow up in the football culture. He lacked the experience some of the others had and something else. He didn’t have the competitive drive that takes players to the next level.
As the firstborn child, he grew up with more than his share of compliments, encouragement, hugs and kisses. When his sisters came along, he was told to play nice, be gentle and don’t hurt them. In addition, he attends a Church and Christian school, where he is taught to love others, be kind and treat others as you want them to treat you. He is a tough little guy, but everything he had been taught contradicted his coach’s expectations. He was told to take out the opposing players. Knock them down, cause them pain and suffering. Hurt them (implied) before they hurt you.
Peanut didn’t seem to get it until the last game of the season. His team didn’t have extra players, so he had to play the whole game, both offense and defense. That may have contributed to “the change” in him. He started pushing back hard on the players he was against and got in on a few tackles. He was so aggressive, he was penalized by the referee and the other team assigned two players to handle him. Even then he didn’t stop. He later said they made him mad, so he pushed harder.
I know Peanut needs to learn to be competitive, without getting angry, but his kind heart is more important than winning a football game. We are not kind by nature and we must “change” our heart and mind through GOD’s word and the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. We are to be “kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you” (Eph 4:32 KJV). That is also known as “love” like when “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NIV). We can only “love” like that with His help.
Wayne Lance (2016)