The Clinical Trial

I am part of a clinical trial for a vaccine that will hopefully prevent the elderly and very young from catching a deadly (non-COVID) virus. A pharmaceutical company is spending a small fortune to ensure the efficacy and find possible side effects before they submit this medicine for final approval. The company wants to prove their product works, both to government regulators and to potential customers. They also want to protect their company from the bad publicity and potential liability of a defective product. That is why they go through the lengthy and expensive process involved in clinical trials.

I am fairly healthy and when I heard they were conducting clinical trials, I began looking into joining one. Why would I potentially endanger my health by testing an unproven drug or treatment? My retirement income is enough, so I no longer need to earn a living and I have good healthcare benefits, and thanks to JESUS, I don’t have to fear death. That gives me some level of comfort at becoming a test subject. I must admit I like being fussed over and someone taking care of me. The medical staff treats me very nice, because they want me to be there and to complete the trial. I don’t like getting shots and having blood drawn, but I get that when I go for my regular medical care, and they aren’t always as nice.

Yes, but why should you take the risk if you don’t need the money? Why not me? Should I leave the risk to a person who still must earn a living and care for their family? I can’t serve in the military and must leave that risk to someone that has their whole life in front of them. Don’t get me wrong, these medicines have gone through extensive testing before they get to me and pose little risk. I can quit a study at any time, but as we’ve seen with the COVID vaccines, we are part of a clinical trial whether we take or don’t take them, and they didn’t go through the years of testing normally required.

Now is where I usually transition into a comparison of what JESUS did for us and why you should accept Him as your Savior, but there is no comparison! GOD didn’t have to run a clinical trial when He developed the plan of salvation, because it was perfect right from the start (Rev 13:80)! What about the flood? Didn’t the plan fail, and GOD had to start again? No way! GOD’s plan is perfect, but man failed right from the start when Adam gave his authority to the thief (Gen 3:6). The plan was perfect when GOD called His chosen people and gave them the law (Exodus 20). GOD set the stage for victory when He led His people into the Promised Land (Josh 1:9). He let them be defeated when they disobeyed and delivered them when they repented (Josh 7-8). They proved time and again they needed a Savior and Deliverer!

GOD knew what they needed, but they had to go through their own clinical trial to prove to themselves they couldn’t do it alone. Mankind couldn’t obey the Law, but “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). The blood of JESUS works for every sinner who repents and comes to Him for salvation! His stripes heal everyone who believes and the HOLY SPIRIT comforts and empowers everyone who accepts Him! GOD’s plan works!

Wayne Lance (2021) – That’s Good News to Share!