That is what the man told a negotiator. He had fired on Police during a peaceful protest, wounding seven and killing five. Knowing the end is coming, how could he be so foolish? Because of his own anger and hatred, he threw away the life and chances he had left. He didn’t surrender and his end came.
For some of the policemen, the end came like a thief in the night. They knew their job had risks, but didn’t expect their life to end so soon. Actually, the end is coming “soon” for all of us. Our brief life here on Earth is nothing when compared to eternity. “The end is coming,” could be a triumphant call or a warning of impending doom. The decisions we make while living determine what it is for us.
For those who are saved, it is an end to the pain and suffering of this life and the beginning of a wonderful life in Heaven. That was made possible because, “GOD so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him might not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). That same verse also infers whosoever doesn’t believe in GOD’s Son will perish and have everlasting death.
We have been warned, “The end is coming,” and should get ready now. After we are safe, the next priority is to warn others, “The end is coming.” Point them to JESUS, so they can believe and have everlasting life.
Wayne Lance (2016)