A well-known and highly respected political commentator recently announced he only has a few weeks to live. He was recovering from an operation and almost ready to return to work when he received the devastating news. His colleagues read his letter, talking about his medical diagnosis and what he called “the final verdict.” Saying his fight is over, he thanked the people he worked with and wished them well. I was sad to hear the news and more so because he didn’t say anything to indicate he is saved.
This son of Jewish immigrants is a highly respected conservative, praised by friend and foe alike. A Harvard trained psychiatrist and adviser to Presidents; he won a Pulitzer Prize for his political columns. I know him from his regular appearances on Fox News. I really enjoyed listening to his thoughtful political analysis and witty comments. He speaks softly, but his words carry a lot of weight. His success is even more amazing when you consider he has been mostly paralyzed since medical school.
I know “narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Mat 7:14 KJV), but why didn’t this wise man accept JESUS as his Savior? He was raised Jewish and educated in a Hebrew school, so that may have kept him from considering Christianity. However, being born in New York and attending Harvard didn’t stop him from becoming a conservative. He is an independent thinker and described himself as nonreligious but doesn’t accept atheism. Maybe he just needed someone to challenge his beliefs or pique his curiosity?
Is it a matter of pride that he doesn’t consider his need for a Savior? Is he just too well-known, too successful and respected to change course at this late stage? I admire his ability to dig deep into issues of the day and come up with a reasonable political strategy. I would like to see him dig into the Bible and accept a plan that will keep him from an eternity in Hell. It seems he needs someone to give him some good advice for a change.
Did his tragic accident and resulting paralysis make him bitter and mad at the world? I don’t think so. Everyone says he is friendly and kind. Besides, his accident happened when he was a young man, and it didn’t stop his education or achievements in psychiatry and political analysis. I want to talk with him about JESUS but would fully expect to be overwhelmed with his reply. Still, I want to give it a try.
Can it be faith that he is lacking? It is written, “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom 10:17 KJV). That is why the enemy wants to keep the Gospel inside the Church, so people won’t get faith. He doesn’t want them to hear “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). They might hear it, believe, and be saved. What do we say to this man who has weeks to live? It’s not too late! Repent and be saved because the doctors don’t have the final verdict. GOD does. Note: He died before I posted this story, but there are 150,000 other people dying each day, and most don’t know JESUS as their Savior. Maybe they will listen before they hear the “final verdict?”
Wayne Lance (2018)