The Gift That Keeps Giving

My wife and I are celebrating our wedding anniversary. It hasn’t always been easy, but we put our faith in GOD and didn’t give up. That took us through the rough parts and gave us reasons to celebrate during the good times.

After years of loneliness, I could hardly believe I was married to that beautiful young lady. She was my longtime dream finally coming true. I wasn’t alone anymore and that took some time to get used to. Though I dearly loved Susan, she had wounds that I couldn’t see, and my good intentions sometimes caused her pain. I needed time to mature and become more sensitive to her fears, wants, and needs. Though we fought a lot in those early years, I knew I wasn’t going to quit, and I discovered Susan wasn’t either. I didn’t realize it at the time, but we were adjusting to one another and growing closer in the process. Susan responded to the love she received from our friends in Church. She had grown up in a religion but began to develop a relationship with JESUS and it showed. Looking back, I can clearly see that Susan is a gift from GOD that keeps on giving.

The birth of our daughter brought more stress, but also more joy. The focus of our lives changed from us and what we wanted to what she needed. Rebecca had our full attention and she filled us like nothing else could. Her accomplishments were ours and we shared her laughter and every tear. She grew up in Church and we thanked GOD as she got more involved. We were crushed when she “grew up” and tried to pull away and rejoiced when she once again needed her Mom and Dad. Though she has her own family and responsibilities now, she has never once left our hearts and prayers. She’s another gift that keeps giving.

Our grandchildren have been more sources of joy and pain. We were living overseas when they were born; so much of our contact was through pictures and stories. We hung on every detail, begged for more pictures, and longed for the next time we would get to hold them. Now that we have retired and see them on a regular basis, we get to share more of the growing pains they are going through. No, they aren’t perfect, but just blessed us again when they all three were baptized! They fill a huge space in our hearts and lives, and yes, they are gifts that will keep giving for a long time.

There is another gift I must include because they are off-the-scale, “above all we could ask or think” (Eph 3:20)! “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). As the centerpiece of that gift, JESUS came and died on the cross that we might be saved. GOD knows how to give the best gifts and if we believe and receive His precious gift, we can “have everlasting life” and that gift will never stop giving!

Wayne Lance (2020) – That’s Good News to Share!