We just returned from a “nice little trip” to Houston, where Susan and her sisters attended a Filipino show. Susan looked forward to seeing her favorite celebrities and it was a break, after months of moving and getting settled. Our last visit to Houston was 15 years ago to eat in a Filipino restaurant and buy goodies in their bakery. The show was on the edge of the city, but we soon discovered a lot had changed. I didn’t have a map, so we had to rely on the GPS and our faded memories.
The first problem was the toll ways. They were expected, but not the big signs that said “Tx tag No cash” and others that warned of “last free exit.” What were we to do when the GPS wouldn’t consider alternative routes? I got off at the “last free exit” and looked for someone to give me some directions. A gas station attendant told me to get off the toll way at those exits and get back on at the next opportunity. That sounded strange, but I followed his advice and we eventually made it to our Hotel. With toll way adventures in the back of my mind, I wasn’t interested in looking for the Filipino restaurant or bakery. Besides, it was supposed to rain and that can be serious in Houston.
The show was only a few blocks from our hotel and the GPS easily found the location. We arrived early and parking wasn’t far from the entrance. I waited in the car and watched as Filipinos’ of all ages arrived, some dressed casually, but others like they were going to a fancy dinner party. It had already begun to rain.
As people came out after the show, it was raining hard and those without umbrellas got their nice clothes soaked. I hoped Susan would get a break, but as they delayed for pictures and autographs, it rained even harder. The narrow drive to the building entrance was blocked, but some brave souls drove as close as they could get and backed out, in the rain and dark. I became one of those brave souls when Susan said she was finished and it was coming down in torrents. They quickly jumped in, but as I started to back up the floodlights that lit the whole place went off, making it harder to see. I inched back in the dark and finally got turned around and we left.
Thinking the worst was behind us, we found the streets covered in water and I couldn’t make out the lanes as a few crazy drivers flew past us with horns blaring. I slowly pushed forward and prayed we would make it safely back to our hotel. Thankfully my GPS worked and we made it. It was too late and too dangerous to look for a place to eat, so we went to bed hungry.
The next morning, the hotel breakfast filled our empty stomachs, but Susan and her sisters wanted to find the Filipino restaurant and bakery. I told Susan it was her (new) car and I would give it a try if she wanted. She must have gotten the idea and we reluctantly headed home. We had the same toll way problem going back, but finally made it to the freeway and safely home.
I checked on the internet and discovered I would have been billed for the toll way charges by mail, if we had just followed the GPS directions to our destination. We just didn’t know the rules. As for the rain, Susan could have easily carried an umbrella and been protected. Maybe next time she will. Our GPS had provided great directions during the storm and our SUV handled the flooding streets with ease. Our stress came from not knowing if we would make it through the storm.
I know GOD protected us during our “nice little trip” and He helps us in our life journey. GOD will give us the information we need, but we must be “transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Rom 12:2 KJV). We can trust GOD because He is “faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Cor 1:9 KJV). We are also protected. The Lord says, “I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble” (Psalms 91: 14-15).
Instructions, reliable directions and divine protection, what more could we ask from “him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Eph 3:20 KJV)? How about eternal life? He already made the way for that and “he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV).
Wayne Lance (2016)