The Radicals

     If you spend much time watching television, you will soon get the message to beware of the radicals.  They refer to them with scorn, only mentioning that “religion” to portray it in a bad light.  Mocking tones make it clear they have no respect for their attempts to spread their “religion” to others.  If asked, the commentators claim no beliefs or tell you that religion is a private matter.  After all, it isn’t polite to talk about it in public.  That only seems to apply until they want to say something negative about those radicals. Religion is welcomed when it backs their lifestyle.  At the first sign of opposition, radicals are told to keep their hateful views to themselves.  Who are these much-maligned radicals?  Are they the terrorists we hear about, who kill those who don’t believe like they do?  No.  They are Bible-believing Christians.

      The internet population is even more against Christians.  If you wander away from Christian forums, you will be scorned and derided or told to make your comments on a “religious” website.  Christianity is portrayed as intolerant, bigoted and out to get your money, while truly repressive religions are defended.  Christians are lumped in with violent extremists to justify limits on religious freedoms.  Christian groups are considered dangerous and are on government watch lists with the Klan and anarchists.  Who are these radicals they are so afraid of?  Do they force their beliefs on others?  Do they steal, kill, and destroy to get their way?   

     Christians are your helpful neighbors, law-abiding citizens and will be there in your time of need.  The more “radical” they are, the more they will sacrifice for you.   You are on their minds and in their prayers.  Are Christians perfect?  No.  They will fail and GOD will forgive them again and again.  That is how it works!  Those radicals found out “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV) and are willing to risk abuse to share that message with you.  Their sins have been washed away and they want to point you to the forgiveness they have found.  They know you will pay for your own sins if you don’t accept GOD’s radical offer.  They will endure your scorn to try and keep you from going to Hell.  Come to think of it, that is pretty radical!

Wayne Lance (2017)