Pastor Kola Emiola just held a series of teachings at our Church. He is from Nigeria and told us how he battles demons back home. I have heard of demonic activity in Africa but didn’t know it was so evident. He told of pregnancies being “locked up” by witches, so women wouldn’t deliver their babies for 3 to 5 years. In one Church service a women floated in the air under demonic power until she was delivered. Mental illnesses were found to be demonic possessions. He told how GOD delivered those people and set them free. He also told of miraculous physical healing after doctors had tried and failed. For many GOD was their last chance, but for most He was their only hope. They couldn’t get medical care.
How did all this happen? It was through believing the WORD of GOD. They hid the WORD in their hearts, prayed and fasted. Then they laid hands on the sick and prayed the prayer of faith. They used the authority GOD gave them and commanded demons and spirits of infirmity to depart. They trusted in GOD and the power of the Holy Spirit expecting GOD to heal and deliver. He said He would, and they believed.
Pastor Kola has a different style, and his examples were wonderful, but I soon realized he was preaching and teaching the same message Pastor Moore had been preaching and living here in La Vernia, Texas. I appreciate Pastor Kola for waking up some of us who were sleeping, but I also appreciate that the WORD of GOD is the same in Nigeria as it is in Texas.
You might doubt that we need miracles, healing, and deliverance here in the United States, with our first-world medical facilities. We are well-fed, well-educated and have some of the finest Doctors in the world. Maybe that is the problem? Though we have Churches on every corner, we rely on doctors instead of GOD. We are too intelligent to turn to religion and can take care of ourselves. If something goes beyond our knowledge, we turn to medical or mental healthcare professionals.
With all the benefits we have in a first-world nation, we also have the problems. Cancer and heart disease claim too many lives. We are increasingly dependent on medical care that doesn’t cure us. We become addicted to medicine, have terrible side effects or they no longer help our problems. Mental illness is treated but not cured. Alcohol continues to destroy lives, while drug abuse fills our jails. A “crazy” man shoots as many people as he can, or mothers kill their children. Suicide takes way too many of our young people.
We need healing and deliverance, just like Nigeria does. Yes, we are statistically better-off than Nigeria, but we can do better than that. We have more opportunities and blessings, but we are turning from GOD and Nigerians are increasingly coming to GOD. We will all face the same standard when we die. Our sins must be paid for. “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). Believe in JESUS as your Savior and you can be saved forever. Believe GOD’s WORD and you can live in overcoming power right now!
Wayne Lance (2017)