The Storm

     The strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Western Hemisphere made landfall on the Mexican coast.  With high-tech tracking and computer models to predict its likely path, this storm didn’t come as a surprise. There is a long history of damage from hurricanes in that area and the people know death and destruction can take those who don’t heed the warning signs. 

     Due to the ferocity of the storm, government authorities prepared for the onslaught and the expected casualties.  Residents and business owners boarded up windows and secured anything that might be blown by the wind.  Sand bags were filled and piled high to fend off the inevitable flooding.  The poor had fewer options and will struggle to protect what little they have and to survive.

     I paid more attention to this storm because I have family, friends, and loved ones in its projected path.  I will make sure they heard and encourage them to heed the warnings. The winds should diminish by the time it reaches them, but South Texas can’t handle the heavy rain.  That area is rather dry and they allow water to flow over the streets during the rare heavy rains, rather than build expensive drainage systems.  I remember hearing last spring about a young lady being swept away in her car while she was calling her father on the phone for help.  People will be reminded to be careful, but many will need to be rescued and some will die because they ignored the warnings.   

     There is another storm upon us that is even more destructive.  Its path of destruction is well documented and the results are always the same for those who don’t heed the warnings.  Preparations have been made for us to survive the onslaught.  A shelter is prepared to protect us from the tempest that will surely come.  Protection came at great cost, but it is freely offered to everyone.  Nobody has to be a casualty of this storm, but some will need to be rescued and so many will die because they ignored the warnings. 

     My family, friends and loved ones are also in the path of that storm, so I will pay even more attention.  I will make sure they heard the warnings and encourage them to accept the help that has been prepared.  I will point them to the shelter, so they will be safe from the tempest that will surely come. 

     That storm is the ravages of sin and the help comes from GOD who, “so loved the world, He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him might not perish, but have everlasting life.”   (John 3:16).  He is the shelter and the peace in the midst of the storm.

Wayne Lance  (2015)