The room was filled with nervous excitement as the legal teams prepared to do battle. The defendant was bound by chains and hung his head in shame as he waited for his crimes to be displayed for all to see. He had failed and would have to pay a horrible price for all he had done. To make it worse, everyone knew he was as “guilty as sin” and they wanted to see him get what he deserved. It didn’t matter that they were just as guilty. Some had joined in his sin, but they weren’t on trial, at least not today. A few are facing their own day in court and were looking for a glimmer of hope.
Everyone stood up when the Judge entered the room. He had earned the right to be there, and his judgment would be final. He will give the defendant every opportunity to present his case, but the trial will soon come to an end. There will be no appeal once the final verdict is announced. He would also pass sentence and it will be immediately carried out.
The prosecutor viciously attacked the defendant, leveling charge after charge. He presented undeniable proof, with witnesses to back up his claims. How could anyone defend against that onslaught? Surely it was an open and shut case. He called the defendant to the stand, where he crumbled under the withering attack. He expressed his sorrow and remorse, but the prosecutor shredded that too. Time and again the defendant had expressed his regret but continued to fail. He was a flawed human being and now he would have to pay. The defendant couldn’t answer the charges and cried out in anguish. After presenting overwhelming evidence of the defendant’s guilt, the prosecutor confidently rested his case.
It didn’t take long for the defense to present its case; in fact, they had none. The defense was about to rest when the defendant stood to his feet and asked to address the court. The prosecutor strenuously objected, but he was overruled by the judge. The judge said, you may speak, but be aware your time is running out. The defendant said, “Please forgive me for all I have done wrong and help me turn from my wicked ways. I accept you as my Savior.” The judge boomed “Not guilty, case dismissed!” The defendant’s chains fell off and he raised his hands in joy and praise! When everyone cried out in disbelief, the judged showed his scars and said, I paid the price so he can go free. All he had to do is ask.
Your trial is taking place right now and you too are “guilty as sin.” “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). Ask JESUS to forgive your sins before your time runs out. Accept JESUS as your Savior before it is too late.
Wayne Lance