They Are Taking Over!

     Resistance is futile! They are taking over the world, well at least my home. Our house needed painting, but I didn’t realize how intrusive that would be. I should have gotten a clue when they started covering everything with paper and plastic sheeting. We tried to hold on to part of the first floor to live in, but lost that battle. Their advance continued and only delayed covering the refrigerator because of my sorrowful pleas. They were going to spray on the paint, so anything that wasn’t protected would be painted!

     We retreated upstairs as the time to spray approached. I was out running errands when I received an urgent call from Susan, telling me to buy our lunch and hurry home. They were about to seal us in! We had lost more control and were being entombed in plastic sheeting. The painters covered the entrance to the 2nd floor, where we stayed the rest of the day. The plastic barrier protected us for a while, but we finally had to leave the house because of the strong smell. We opened the windows and were eventually able to clear the air and return home.

     There is someone else trying to take over. Unlike the painters, they are not doing it for our benefit. In fact, they are trying to destroy us. The powers of sin and darkness want to take over our lives and use us to further their kingdom. Their attacks used to be more subtle, but now the battle is out in the open. You can’t imagine how intrusive sin can be. You may try hold on to part of your life, but you will lose that battle. No matter how sorrowful your pleas, they won’t hold back. You will be in constant retreat until your heart and mind are imprisoned. The worst part is, if you ever get to thinking “everything is fine” they have got you.

     There is a way to win. You must, “Humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). You can’t fight the devil on your own, but “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NIV). Once you are saved from your sins, you can do some “taking over” of your own!

Wayne Lance (2016)