It was just another Friday Fellowship at Heritage Christian Ministries, much like the many other Friday night services our Church held since they began. We have something for everyone like playtime which includes basketball, volleyball or just hanging out; ministry time, and then a potluck food and fellowship that runs as late as people want to stay. I was told we have these services on Friday nights because kids don’t have school and most people don’t have work the following day. I usually leave around 8 PM so I can safely drive the eighteen miles home or 30 miles, when my grandchildren attend, and I take them home. Unfortunately, the secular world holds many of their events on Friday nights for much the same reason.
That’s why we never know how many people will show up. I know my granddaughters only come when their friends are there and many other come or do not for a variety of reasons. Sickness and an abundance of caution kept some out during the pandemic, even though our Pastor has a healing ministry and we have witnessed many miracles. Some be out because of work, like my grandson. Others may have stayed home because they had a hard week and wanted to rest. Our praise and worship/prayer/teaching service normally runs about an hour and are refreshing. The fellowship time is casual and relaxed, so most people would be better off coming than not.
If I ever needed an inspiration to be there it is Pastor Bob and Sister Kathy. They wear themselves out taking care of the Church and School. Besides preparing for the sermons, Pastor has to setup for the service, perform sound checks, work out technical issues, bring chairs from their house (where the school is), fuel up the generator and clean up the building before service. After Sunday service, chairs must be returned to the house for school on Monday. On Friday he sets up the Church for the Friday night service and gets ready for the fellowship in their home. All of that must happen as he is in the middle of finishing the Church building and trying to get projects completed so he can go on to the next on a long list. Sister Kathy is the real treasure behind all of this because she takes care of her family, cleans house, shops, cooks for and serves during potluck fellowships, teaches eighteen students K-12 during the week, prepares children’s Church for Sunday, manages the accounts for the school and Church, while trying to help Pastor Bob. With all of that, they never miss a service!
Pastor Randal is a walking, talking example of GOD’s mercy. A Disabled Veteran (100%), he battles PTSD and physical problems but by GOD’s grace he is such a blessing to our Church! Last Friday night he said, “I came to Church to get something from GOD” and “There is no reason anyone should leave the way they came.” After the HOLY SPIRIT ministered to our small crowd Pastor Randal said, “Pastor you need to tell them they missed out!”
That is the problem when you miss a service. You never know what GOD has planned and unless are there, you miss out! Like the ten virgins (Mat 25:1-13) five were prepared and went into the wedding while five missed out! JESUS told us to love GOD with our all and love our neighbor as ourselves (Mat 22:37-40) and in Hebrews 10:25 it says show up, so you won’t miss out! What will you miss? Why don’t you go in faith and expectation and find out?
Wayne Lance