We just switched our cable and internet service provider. I was perfectly happy with the quality of service we were getting. It was easy to pay the monthly bill and they were very responsive to the few problems we had. Their internet was fast and reliable, with few outages over the past year. My wife and I enjoyed the selection of TV channels and we each had our favorites. They even had commercials that pointed out how more reliable and faster their service was compared to their competitors.
We didn’t really want to go through the trouble of changing to another provider. Their television signal uses satellite and is known to fail during bad weather. The technician said my old satellite dish was out-of-date and had damaged the roof of my house. That means he had to make more holes in my roof to install another dish. The new company’s internet service uses telephone lines and is half the speed of our previous service.
I must keep reminding myself why we changed our service. Yes, we had great service, but it was “too expensive.” I noticed our bill continued to rise and when the promotional first year ended, the price was just too much. Their competitors offered good service at almost half the price. The price will remain much cheaper, even after the promotional first year passes. Besides that, they will give us $250 to switch to their company! That made the price/service combination even more attractive.
That is kind of like becoming a Christian. Before I was saved, I could live like I wanted to. The world had a lot to offer, and I liked it. I wasn’t burdened by right and wrong or a bunch of rules. Television programs, movies and friends told me that life was great, and I just had to get my share. No restrictions and no obligations. I saw some of the consequences if I went too far, but I wouldn’t do that. I liked being known as a good person and wouldn’t go too far. I was wrong! I liked what the world offered and wanted more. Too many times I went too far and risked losing it all. I would repent in Church on Sunday and backslide on Monday.
I liked what the world offered but realized that lifestyle was too expensive! Nothing was worth an eternity in Hell! “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). I believed in Him, and He paid my debt and gave me everlasting life. The price was still too expensive, but JESUS paid it for me before I knew or loved Him.
Yes, my life has changed since I gave it all to Him. I have a lot more restrictions on what I can do, but I have more freedom. I have more obligations, but they don’t compare to the benefits. I have a lot of rules to follow, but I am free from the law of sin and death. I live for Him now and when my body dies, I will live with Him forever in Heaven. I am so glad I switched my provider to JESUS CHRIST.
Wayne Lance (2018)