Too Late!

It was a sight I never wanted to see, though I knew it would happen someday. It was one of those “when not if” disasters that you hope to be excused from. This morning my computer worked just fine, but I logged off to be safe, before I left the house. When I returned and turned my computer back on it took a while to come up. Even before I logged in I knew something was off, because the screen saver was back to Microsoft standard. I was able to log in as usual, but my desktop was empty! No folders, no pictures or documents, and no programs remained. Other that the Windows operating system, everything had been wiped out!

My computer is almost five years old and some type of failure is expected, but I wasn’t ready! The thing that bothered me the most was I know what it takes to be ready! I should have been regularly backing up or making copies of my important files, so they would be safe, but I kept putting that task off for another day! Everything seemed fine, so I would do it later. If I had saved my files then, it would have been enough. My later turned out to be too late!

It was my fault, because I had even turned off those annoying programs that automatically save files to a safe place on the internet. They always seemed to run when I was trying to do something important, and now my important work was gone! I was trying to hurry and do something when those programs would bring my efforts to a frustrating halt! Now I would spend days looking for copies of the files I had created since I backed up my files six months ago. My last hope was if the update wasn’t finished and my files should be automatically restored upon completion. I had nothing else to lose, so I restarted my computer and waited and hoped for another chance! That was it! My computer slowly came up and was back to normal, complete with all my files! So did I wait until later to backup my files? No way!

That reminds me of another task we keep putting off until later. We have been warned again and again to do now! We know it’s important, but we are too busy or have let lesser things get in our way. This is the most important task in our life and we know that too late is coming. That’s why we have to do it today! Our next breath could be our last, so now is the time! What is this critical task so many are putting off? Accepting JESUS CHRIST as our Savior! “behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor 6:2 KJV).

We get caught up with life, people, work and even religion, risking eternal damnation! We say we are too busy, too tired or too depressed to call on the LORD, but He’s the one with the answers and the power! We fear being too late for or missing the temporary, but we risk missing eternity with the GOD who “so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life…God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:16-17 KJV). Why wait? Don’t hope for a miracle to make up for your delay. 150,000 people die each day and most would accept JESUS if given another chance, but it’s too late for “broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Mat 7:13-14 KJV). Accept JESUS now!

Wayne Lance