Under Attack

I was shocked when I first realized we were under attack! Why hadn’t I heard before? Why has no one sounded the alarm? This is an emergency. We need to act! I can’t understand how we can lose so many people and yet there is no public outcry!

History tells us we should defend ourselves and take aggressive action to defeat the enemy. There seems to be little resistance and as far as I can tell, we are in retreat. Yes, there are a few fighting the battle, and some people are rescued from the enemy, but we are losing the war!

I attempted to spread the word, but the enemy’s propaganda machine is well entrenched and stopped my call to action. Labeled a fanatic and told to keep my opinions to myself, they accused me of intolerance. I was “allowed” to talk to people who already knew about the war but was told not to offend anyone else.

This is hard to believe! If someone broke into their house and dragged their family off to be tortured, they would do everything they could to stop it. That is happening and yet they defend their right to let it continue. How can this be possible?

The enemy is very effective at taking captives. Lives are ruined, families broken, and they will be horribly tormented forever. It is too late once they are taken away. They will spend an eternity paying for their own failures.

This doesn’t have to happen! The victory has already been won. JESUS paid the price for our failures. All we must do is accept that gift and be saved. We also can have the HOLY SPIRIT to help us in our daily battles with the enemy.

Salvation isn’t the end of our service. Once we are safe, we must tell others about the war they don’t believe in and salvation they don’t know they need. We must overcome the lies that have lulled so many into inaction or disbelief. This is serious and we must win. How? Love them enough to tell them about JESUS and point them to the truth. The battle will be over someday and then we can celebrate our victory with JESUS.

Wayne Lance – That’s Good News to Share!