Vain Words

     Unbelievable details of the tragic shooting in California were still coming out, when front page headlines proclaimed, “GOD Isn’t Fixing This.” The author even criticized people for praying about the situation.  I understand these were misguided attempts to promote more stringent gun controls, but their vain words showed a disregard for the power of GOD.  Did the author ever give GOD a try or follow his directions?

     I live in China, where the government limits people’s freedom and so they are held back by a lack of opportunity.  Seeing people in America complain that our system doesn’t work, makes me wonder if they tried to make it work.  We have freedoms that some can only dream of, but those freedoms are just an opportunity to try and succeed.  Making succeeding a priority in our life and applying some effort, will improve our chances of making it work for us.  Only after we “try it out” can we see if the system works.

     Working in computer support, I often hear people complain that something doesn’t work.  When we install new computer programs, we send out directions, but still get complaints from some users that it doesn’t work.  Too often the “fix” is to walk them step-by-step through the direction they already have.  The program works, but only if they follow the directions.

     If we want God’s plan to work for us, we must “try it out” and make it a priority in our life.   First, give it a real try by accepting JESUS as your Savior.  Put some effort into reading God’s word and that will renew your mind.  It isn’t your effort that makes it work, but His love for you and your faith in that love.  As you see it “working” your faith will grow even more.  GOD said, “I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!” (Mal 3:10).  Only after we “try it out” can we see that believing GOD works.

     If we want to see GOD work in our lives, we must follow His directions.  He gave us detailed directions in the Bible.  It will require a measure of faith, but the Bible is filled with accounts of people who followed His directions and succeeded and those who didn’t and failed.  He even gave us “extra help” through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.  GOD said, “But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!” (John 15:7).  Don’t say it doesn’t work, until you have followed the directions.  

     Give GOD a try and follow His directions.  Maybe then the headlines will read “GOD is fixing this” and praying people will be praised. 

Wayne Lance (2015)