We Can’t Save You

     As the danger of Hurricane Harvey became clear (2017), the mayor of Rockport, Texas told residents to evacuate.  For those who decided to ride out the storm, he told them to write their names on their arm so their bodies could be identified.  He saw the coming danger and sounded the alarm.  If residents ignored his warning, they would reap the consequences.  No one would respond to their cries for help.  It would be too late to save them.  The warning proved to be accurate.  Rockport was one of the most heavily damaged cities on the Texas coast. 

     Coming right after the devastation of Harvey, Irma was taken more seriously.  Hurricane Irma had already broken world records for sustained wind speeds.  It looked worse than Harvey, but Florida had time to prepare.   The Governor warned people to flee the coming danger.  If any doubts remained about the power of the storm, it was plain to see on the news.   Island after island was ravaged by the unbelievable destructive force.  The forecasts were accurate, and Irma was headed to Florida!

     As the path became even clearer the Governor’s pleas became more intense.  Get out while you still can!  “Once the storm begins, we can’t save you!” No one will come to rescue you.  Leave now or it will be too late.  Even if you survive, there will be no power or emergency services.  You will be in danger and could die.  As bands of wind and rain lashed their homes, some sought shelter just in time.  Many people heeded the warning and left the danger area or moved into shelters that could withstand the onslaught.  Because they heeded the warning, they were protected. Even after the storm had passed, they had food and shelter.  They were saved from the storm because they responded to the warning.

     Another storm is even more destructive than either Harvey or Irma.  It has been destroying people’s lives for a long time.  The warning continues to go out, but most people refuse to be saved from its destructive power.  They won’t acknowledge the storm exists, though the trail of destruction is plain to see.  They will “ride out the storm” and suffer the consequences.

     That storm is sin and the wages of sin is death but “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV).  Sin continues to destroy lives and will lead to an eternity in Hell if people die without accepting JESUS CHRIST as their Savior.  He paid the price, so we won’t have to.  The alarm has been sounded, but you must heed the warning for yourself.  Though we can see the coming danger and warn you, “we can’t save you.”  You can’t change your mind after the storm of sin takes your life.  It will be too late!  Heed the warning, accept JESUS now and be saved!

Wayne Lance (2017)